Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Our Wooten J. School covered the Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Youth Center

Wooten center Founder Myrtle Faye Rumph with students who interviewed her at an impromptu press conference.
It's the end of the semester! What follows is the coverage of the many stories of the Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center by our illustrious team of Cub Reporters in the first ever Wooten J. School (where the "J" stands for Journalism!) Instructors Lena Cole Dennis (Ms. Lena) and Isidra Person-Lynn (Ms. Isidra) spent 8 weeks training these naturally inquisitive young ladies about interviewing, the 5 W's and the H, photography, video coverage, anchoring and more.

These are a few of the stories you will read, view or listen to:
  • Interview with the Founder, Myrtle Faye Rumph
  • Interviews with students from the Robotics Class
  • Profile: Lemonade Stand and Sweets and Treats
  • Interview with Mr. Cliff
  • Interview with Ms. Krystelle
  • Brianna interviews "man on the street" style.

Cub Reporters

Marissa Castro








Tyler and Briana Search for News For More of Ms. Lena's Photos Click Here
Scouring the News for Stories to Write About
Staff (Cub reporters)

Cheron is scouring the paper for a good news story.
It's hard to cover news when you don't have a spiffy news van to jump into to get to the scene. So at Wooten J. School, we improvised:  First, we searched for stories from the newspapers  and wrote about them.  Here are the photos snapped by Ms Lena and her iPad. Click Here

Then we reenacted a robbery so we would have something to report about.

Play-Acting the News 
In this classroom exercise, with NO SCRIPT, the students re-enact a crime scene so we could set up a press conference to give the students some experience.

Charity - Robber
Euniyia - The Officer
Ashley: Officer and reporter
Milan: The Eye Witness

Cheron:  Camera 1

Anchors Away:  Practicing to be an Anchor News Reporter on TV

Press Conference/Writing Assignment

Interview with Myrtle Faye Rumph, founder
See Photos here:
By Briana

Myrtle Faye Rumph founded the Al Wooten Heritage Center after losing her son to a drive-by shooting in 1989.  The purpose for the Heritage Center is to give inner city children a better way of life instead of crime.  This was done by changing kids' attitudes, keeping children busy, giving them more attention and more confidence with learning activities, such as reading, going on field trips, science, computer lab, math, make friends and play.

The challenge of serving these 300 youth today is they are in middle and high schools in South Los Angeles. Their bright minds demand that they continually upgrade their programs/services.  Since 1990, Wooten had come a long way since the founder Myrtle Faye Rumph  opened the center which she named for her son Alton “Dunnie” Wooten, Jr.  Ms Rumph was very happy because of what the center has done to remember her son's name.

Ms. Rumph and all the staff here are grateful to every individual that has contributed, donated or participated at the Wooten Center for more than 20 years.  The program was based on goals to counter the gang culture surrounding the youth, among them foster family participation and to identify and meet the family’s social needs.

My Experience at the Wooten Center
By Amya
My experience in the Wooten Center was fun and interesting because I get to learn things like how to do better math, science and other fun thungs.  The Center means a lot to me because I get to  make new friends.  The Wooten Center cares about me and other people.

By Briana
My cousin and I  started on my praise dance this week.  We picked a song by Kierra Sheard (Kiki Sheard) called People (S.O.M.). When we practiced our dance we decided to make up other parts, too. Our praise dance is for our lunch-in (church program) at the Grand’s.

Yesterday, we happily  came up with different parts and we were almost done with the dance.  Miming is a thing at church where a group of boys wear makeup, which is white and they wear white gloves. When we finish the middle part we’ll be done.  We have to practice more and more to get it inside our heads.

Also, we’re going to sing for our youth and young adult choir for church on Sunday.  We have a lot of things going on this week and next week, too. I really appreciate being in the Journalism Class. Thank you very much for introducing this subject so we can be inspired too.

Sincerely, Briana


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